Genetic engineering biotechnology molecular biology, basic biology etc lecture

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What is gene?

Gene is the part of DNA that can produce functional protein by the process of transcription and translation.Normally a DNA is composed of vast no of base pairs.But all the base pairs are not capable of making proteins.

For example , we can use human genome.Human genome is about 3 billion base pairs long and there only about 30000 genes are found.In human gene varies in size from a few hundred bases to more than 2 million bases long.The final product of each gene is protein and different genes act as molecular control of characteristics as each gene contains a particular set of characteristics.For example,a gene is responsible for hair color,another is for skin color/height/attitude etc.

1 comment:

  1. Gene is the segment of Nucleic Acids having a specific role. It may be a part of DNA or an RNA. A protein is assembled by the message of a gene but all the genes are responsible for being proteins. Some genes produce only RNAs, for instance, rRNA, tRNA, siRNA, ssRNA and so on. For example, 16s rRNA gene. Furthermore, some viruses are RNA viruses, have they no gene? In the genome of RNA viruses, a cluster of genes is present which are RNAs.
